Invest in Your Library
We are your resource. Your access. Your history. Your curiosity. Your community. Your future.
Tax-deductible gifts and contributions of any size are appreciated and help the library fulfill its vision and mission of being a community hub that provides inclusive, safe, and welcoming spaces dedicated to literacy, learning, innovation, and cultural and economic vitality.
Gifts made directly to the library can be designated for a particular library location, department, or subject area. Undesignated gifts are used for the general needs of the library.
Gift and Memorial Fund
Making a tribute gift is a meaningful way to celebrate an important person or event. Celebrate a birth, marriage, anniversary, graduation, promotion, or retirement; memorialize a beloved family member or special friend; or recognize a friend, client, or coworker. Contributing to this fund gives back to the community by enhancing the library’s collection of materials.
B.C.L. Foundation
A donation to the library’s foundation, a 501(c)3 corporation, is an investment in the sustainability and long-term care of the library. The Greater Green Bay Community Foundation provides investment management of tax-deductible contributions made to the Foundation. Mail check, payable to B.C.L. Foundation, to 515 Pine Street, Green Bay, WI 54301.
Friends of the Brown County Library
The Friends is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable and educational organization whose mission is to promote, sustain, and extend the mission of Brown County Library to help ensure library excellence into the future. Gifts to the Friends can be designated or undesignated for library purposes or the purposes of the Friends. Mail check, payable to Friends of the Brown County Library, to 515 Pine Street, Green Bay, WI 54301 or donate online.
Donate gently used books and other items
Small donations of books and other items (see the Friends of the Brown County Library website for types of items accepted) may be dropped off at any Brown County Library during regular open hours. For donations of six (6) or more boxes, or if you need assistance unloading, please drop off at the Central Library during the following hours:
Monday-Friday 9 am-3 pm
Saturday 9 am-Noon