Shamrock Club of Northeast Wisconsin - Green Bay

The Brown County Library maintains this directory of non-profit community organizations and service clubs in Brown County and Northeast Wisconsin. You may search for an organization or browse the list by choosing a category or clicking on View All Listings. If you have a correction or a suggestion for a new club or organization for inclusion on this page, please send an email to our Central Library Adult Services department.


Listing Category

The Shamrock Club of Green Bay & Northeast Wisconsin is a social, educational, and benevolent organization. Our goals are to bring together people interested in Irish culture in order to: Educate its members and community about Irish culture. Serve the community by contributing services, goods, and charitable funds. Foster friendships and family activities among its members. The Shamrock Club invites you to join us. Come and meet people of Irish heritage and otherwise who are interested in Irish culture and Ireland. Learn about Irish history, culture, art, ancestry, music, dance, and more.

P.O. Box 10612, Green Bay, WI
ZIP Code